Research and News Involving:
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center

Press Release: Nine clinical trials starting soon in health disparities and/or led by underserved researchers

Press Release: Nine clinical trials starting soon in health disparities and/or led by underserved researchers Nine clinical trials starting soon in health disparities and/or led by underserved researchers These Diversity, Equity & Inclusion trials, funded by Cures...

Press Release: Cures Within Reach seeks clinical trials in health disparities or led by underserved researchers

Press Release: Cures Within Reach seeks clinical trials in health disparities or led by underserved researchers Cures Within Reach seeks clinical trials in health disparities or led by underserved researchers Ten clinical trials starting soon in Diversity, Equity...

Repurposing a Rare Disease Treatment for the Immune Disorder Eosinophilic Esophagitis

Repurposing a Rare Disease Treatment for the Immune Disorder Eosinophilic Esophagitis Principal Investigator: Dr. J. Pablo Abonia​​ Disease: Eosinophilic esophagitis Research Description: Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) is a rare disease caused when the immune system...