CureAccelerator Live! for DEI 2022

CureAccelerator Live! for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, 2022
Virtual: main event was held October 6, 2022 from 4:00pm ET to 5:15pm ET and the winner was announced October 7, 2022 at 8am ET.
CureAccelerator Live! is our philanthropic pitch event where up to 5 researchers are the finalists presenting their clinical repurposing trials for up to $70,000 in clinical funding, and attendees select the winning clinical trial.
Edilberto Amorim, MD
Testing the epilepsy drug perampanel to prevent seizures after cardiac arrest
Sheldon Holder, MD, PhD
Repurposing the prostate cancer drug degarelix to treat bladder cancer
Runners Up:
Yohannes Ghebre, PhD
A new use of the antacid drug esomeprazole to treat morphea, a chronic connective tissue disease
Natasha Shur, MD
Children’s National Research Institute:
Using steroids to improve outcomes in rhabdomyolysis in pediatric patients
Cures Within Reach was proud to hold CureAccelerator Live! for DEI in support of our DEI Community and it was held alongside of:
DIA’s Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Across Life Sciences R&D Meeting, October 6-7. All attendees of DIA’s meeting were able to attend this event as part of their DIA registration.
DIA’s Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Across Life Sciences R&D Meeting will lead the way in sharing knowledge and fostering coalitions to build greater diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts in the life sciences R&D field. Whether you are new to the DEI space within your organization or have been working on efforts for years, this meeting is for everyone! The following objectives are why you can’t miss this meeting:
- Describe efforts that advance clinical trial diversity for racial and ethnic minorities, women, and rare diseases
- Gain insights on why changing organizational culture to embrace diversity, equity, and inclusion, is an important component of enabling the success of DEI efforts more broadly across multiple areas of R&D
- Apply learnings on how to set your company up for culture change success
- Tackle challenges within protocol development and design, and how they can impact DEI
- Describe effective ways to integrate community engagement into your clinical trial
- Gain insights on the many challenges that exist in understanding data from defining it from a race and ethnicity perspective, its real-world application and use, and the importance of equitable data in relation to clinical trial development
- Implement effective patient engagement strategies into your own organizational practices
- Evaluate the challenges that impact diversity recruitment, enrollment, and retention in clinical trials
- Describe methods to increase the diversity of the clinical research talent pipeline