Using a Generic Drug Combination in Early-Stage Hormone Receptor Positive Breast Cancer Patients

Adult, Chicago, Current Research, Dr. Ibraheem, Drug, Minority/Underrepresented, Oncology, University of Illinois at Chicago, Women's Health

Principal Investigator: Dr. Abiola Ibraheem

Disease: Breast Cancer

Research Description:

Preferred chemotherapy treatments for early-stage breast cancer are often associated with side effects, such as heart failure, hair loss, low blood counts and numbness in the fingers and toes, and Black women report these and other side effects at a greater severity and rate. Because of these toxicities, planned chemotherapy regimens are often reduced among Black women and thus the intended target dose not achieved, contributing to poorer survival outcomes. Another chemotherapy option, consisting of cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, 5FU (CMF), is less toxic but not preferred because frequent infusions are required, and the treatment duration is longer. Fortunately, oral FDA-approved versions of these three drugs are available and are currently used to treat rheumatologic diseases and other cancers. This single-arm clinical trial will determine if the oral regimen of cyclophosphamide, methotrexate and capecitabine (CMC) is less toxic, better tolerated and less expensive compared to the current standard of care IV regimens. If successful, the CMC regimen has the potential to become a viable treatment option for underserved breast cancer patients in the US and globally.

Funding Partners: Searle Funds at The Chicago Community Trust, Walder Foundation, David and Susie Sherman Fund, Adtalem Global Education Foundation and others

CWR Funding Role: Primary Funder

Current Research